ZX-101SQ Analizor portabil cifră octanică/cifră cetanică - Zeltex

ZX-101SQ Analizor portabil cifră octanică/cifră cetanică - Zeltex

The ZX-101SQ with added large color display for ease of use and 2 additional wavelenghts in the optics for improved calibrations and increased accuracy for biodiesel, combines the proven reliability and lab accuracy of all ZX-101 line eith improved NearIR optics and an upgraded user interface.
The ZX-101SQ with added large color display for ease of use and 2 additional wavelenghts in the optics for improved calibrations and increased accuracy for biodiesel, combines the proven reliability and lab accuracy of all ZX-101 line eith improved NearIR optics and an upgraded user interface.
Zeltex ZX-101SQ

For more details, click here

Download Zeltex ZX-101SQ product brochure here

Cere o oferta pentru ZX-101SQ Analizor portabil cifră octanică/cifră cetanică - Zeltex

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